
\Rick van Schie

Immersive Interaction Designer

\ About me

I am an innovator through design. My main focus is creating immersive interaction: meaningful interfaces that seamlessly integrate into the use flow by considering the context-of-use.

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My vision on design

Many interfaces in our current society are replaced with flexible and multifunctional apps, generic button arrays, and speech -or gesture interfaces. The multi-functionality of these interfaces has its benefits, but at the cost of a fit with the context-of-use, which disrupts the use flow. What’s more, successful interaction relies almost completely on cognitive skills. In contrast, I think the context-of-use is an essential element for good design.

I am interested in designing immersive interactions that take advantage of human skills beyond cognition. Relevant domains are tangible and embodied interaction, which contribute to a substantial part of my designs. I want to break free from generic interaction paradigms (pressing buttons, rotating dials, and tapping displays) to create new, innovative action possibilities that better match the context-of-use and support the use flow.

I believe industrial designers create value by bridging people and technology within a certain context. Fundamentally, we ensure the user’s goals match the product's functionality, and that the functionality is accessible through a usable interface that considers the context-of-use.

read more about my vision on design

My design identity

I am an innovator. My designs combine modern technology (both digital and physical) with creativity to create aesthetic and innovative experiences and interactions. I tend to prioritize the aesthetics of experiences regarding the interaction and integration into the use flow over appearances.

I have developed a sound foundation in technology and realization in order to break free from the contemporary meaninglessness of everyday interfaces. I gain inspiration from materializing my ideas, so as to explore their contextual fit (or immersiveness) I possess the prototyping skills to build and test conceptual and experiential prototypes.

I work best in a small team, where ideas can be discussed and critiqued by colleagues and users because I think the best ideas arise from multiple perspectives. I work in quick and focused iterations, trying to answer increasingly specific questions. In general, I follow a Double Diamond-like process, where the main objectives are to find the right problem, and then to solve the problem right.

read more about my identity